
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sharing the Coveted Recipe--Italian Salad

Someone get me a crane! For heaven's sake, I need it! I sound like a dying moose every time I have to do anything slightly strenuous...and that means everything from getting out of bed to lifting my son. Yes...I made the mistake of getting on the scales the other day and looking at how much weight I'd gained since becoming pregnant 6 months ago, and almost broke the scales.
Is it going to stop me from baking? Not in your life. The baby calculator tells me I can safely put on another 10kg and I'm guessing I will. But it does feel rather unattractive. Thankfully I'm not an emotional eater. I'm just an emotional baker. And I tell you what, those pregnancy hormones have a way of making an emotional wreck out of this ship sometimes.
Anyway, my hormones are making me feel giving, so I'm going to pass on a coveted recipe of my mother's. Shh. Don't tell her! Its for salad, just so you know, I do eat other things besides sweets, in case you were wondering.
It's a divine Italian salad sporting all their favourites, from tomatoes to olives and cheese quite typically and without all the greens. I'm not usually into eating salads as a main, but I tell you, you'll want to with this one! You wont be able to stop!


800g firm, ripe tomatoes, sliced into bite sized chunks
1/4 tsp sugar
125g garlic sausage, rinds removed and thickly sliced
60g black olives, halved and pitted
125g mozerella cheese, diced
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp. french mustard
salt and freshly ground pepper
1 medium red onion, peeled and thinly sliced
 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley or basil

Put the chopped tomatoes in a large serving bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Cut each garlic sausage into small peices, ass to the bowl with the olives and cheese and stir gently to mix. In a seperate bowl whisk together the oil and lemon juice until thick, then whisk the mustard and salt and pepper into the dressing to taste. Pour this dressing over the tomato salad, add the onion and parsley and mix gently until the salad is thoroughly coated. Taste and adjust seasoning as desired, then cover and chill until serving time.

Serves 6

NOTES: If preparing the salad ahead of time, do not add the dressing, onion and herbs until just before serving.

Porky at 24 weeks

Monday, July 25, 2011

Palmiers or Elephant Ears

Continuing on from yesterdays post about what people will eat--I found an interesting article about the difference in taste buds between the sexes. Apparently women have more taste buds than men, hence women generally have a finer pallet. If we taste the more subtle flavours, that certainly explains the strange phenomenon of men drowning their meals in tomato sauce. Of course I generalise here but I have noticed this is a common occurrence. There can never be enough pizza topping, cheese or tomato sauce.
Anyway, I wanted to share that little scrap of interesting info before telling you about the recipe I'm about to post. Its a delicate little nibble. Called Palmiers or Elephant Ears most commonly, I believe these little pastry coils originate from France and are named after palm leaves. They are very simple, and delicious in that simplicity.  As always, I have added my own spin on these little treats with the addition of cinnamon.


1 sheet thawed puff pastry
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp butter, melted

Using a pastry brush, coat one side of the thawed pastry with melted butter. Combine the sugar and cinnamon and generously spread over the butter. Starting at one end, gently roll the pastry towards the middle. When you reach the middle, start rolling the pastry from the opposite end so the pastry rolls meet each other in the middle. Cut into 1cm discs and place on a lined tray. Lather with the leftover butter and place in a moderate oven for 10-15 minutes until puffy and golden.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Winter Warmers--Zucchini Soup

It sometimes amazes me what people will eat. Down the road there's a place called Chompers which specialises in fish and chips and burgers. Now remember when Krispy Kreme Donuts first came to Australia? People camped out overnight just to be the first to line up for those donuts. Over time, the stores have increased and I believe the faze is generally over. But at this particular store down the road, I viewed the most hideous looking burger. It was a Krispy Kreme Donut burger, featuring cheese, bacon and lettuce, the works.
Ewww! I wonder how popular they are? I am sure they appeal to some but the thought makes me want to roll over and die, very prematurely. Dear Lord, take those burgers away!
It sounds like a pregnant woman's midnight craving session gone wild. Even I'm not that crazy!
What has your strangest craving been? What's your most detested food? Well, I havnt had so many unusual cravings, but I sure have list of detested foods. From when I was a kid, of course. I have long developed my tastebuds to appreciate them.
I'm sure they're on most kid's lists, but these used to make me retch at the table.

Brussel Sprouts

Now my husband has never tasted brussel sprouts, to my horror. His mother is kind! But I am sure he didn't like the sound of me telling him I was making Zucchini Soup. The truth is, until I tasted this amazing stuff I probably would have had a little shudder run through me thinking of my childhood qualms. But this soup has become such a hit at our house. I must say, my inspiration comes from my friend and my old housemate who once made it for dinner. I don't remember her exact recipe but its along the lines of what follows.
I will never think of zucchini the same way again.
I am even willing to try adding zucchini to sweets...just watch me!

ZUCCHINI SOUP (serves 2-3 depending on desired consistency)

1 can evaporated milk (Carnation brand)
500g zucchini
½ packet dried French onion soup mix
Salt and pepper to taste

Cut up the zucchinis into rounds. Boil until they are soft, then drain and cool. Place zucchini in a blender, add half the evaporated milk and process. Add more evaporated milk until you get the desired thickness of the soup. Add the dried soup mix and salt and pepper to taste. Blend until very smooth and well combined. Reheat on stove and serve. Delicious with a dob of sour cream in the middle! 

NOTES: this recipe does not freeze well. Best eaten on the day it is made. The smaller the zucchinis, the better the flavour.

A Stomach for Sweets

Now I know that everyone has a stomach...but did you know some people have two? Yes, I am one of those. Actually, I have three at the moment with Tiny bubba in the oven but I'm not going to count that one. The extra one I'm referring to is the dessert stomach! Most women have one, I am still trying to work out if the men do.
Yes...the dessert stomach. You're "full as a goog" so to speak, but there's always room for a chocolate or a slice of that apple pie.True story.
My dessert stomach is virtually always empty and well, its not a bottomless pit but lets just say food digests rather speedily in that region. pie.
Speaking of which, there are some things that never go astray, like that dessert to finish off a meal. The marriage of sugar, cinnamon and apple, wrapped up in golden buttery pastry. *drool*
So I concocted a little afternoon tea delight using a combination of all these ingredients and ooh why didn't I make more? The deliciousness of the apple oozed into the cinnamon and sugar and made a lovely syrup at the bottom of these little treats which was just so tasty. I couldn't stop eating them.


1 granny smith apple
2 sheets thawed puff pastry
1/2 cup brown sugar
1-2 tbsp cinnamon
2 tbsp. butter, melted

Preheat oven to 180C. Keeping the peel on, cut apple into thin slices. Melt butter in a small bowl and with a pastry brush, lather over the two sheets of thawed pastry.
Combine sugar and cinnamon, and spread generously over the entire surface of the pastry sheets. Cut each pastry sheet into quarters and then score from one corner to the opposite (so you have two triangles for each 1/4 of the pastry sheet).
Wrap a slice of apple in each piece of pastry and place on a lined baking tray. Bake for 10-15 minutes until the pastry has puffed up and is turning golden. Serve warm.

NOTES: These babies are so good warm and just out of the oven...mmmh! You can also serve them cold and they are almost as delicious. You can use any type of apple preferred, and cut and wrap them in pastry as desired.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Colour Beneath the Darkness-- M&M Brownies

Some recipes you just have to keep going back to. Its more than addiction, its necessity and the comfort of thought that it will be perfect once again. Some recipes just never fail to delight. Like the brownies recipe I have, and have featured on this blog many times in all different modes. Some of you might say its not brownie without that thick fudge icing and the addition of walnuts--well that's fine. I'm not particularly a conventional person and as I always say, its all about experimenting!
My husband needed something to take to work for some morning tea affair. He works for the Queensland Health Complaints Commission, and I thought he and his fellow team mates could probably do with a little colour and cheer in the office. I envisioned the plate.
A stack of m&m brownies, colours of the rainbow peeping out from that fudgy, gooey goodness and I thought--yes!
It was not to be. Delicious as the outcome was, the m&m's exploded in the heat of the oven and oozed colour through these babies. I disguised the unusual appearance with a thick layer of dark chocolate and it worked a treat. 
The outcome was too yummy not to share, and a few people asked for the recipe. So here it is! Enjoy!


1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
bag of mixed m&ms
400g dark chocolate

Preheat your oven to 190C.
Melt butter and remove from heat. Stir through the cocoa and brown sugar until combined.
Beat in the eggs and vanilla. Next, blend in the flour and salt. Add the m&ms and stir through the mixture. Spoon the mixture into a lined dish. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Remove, and  when cooled, cut into small squares and coat in melted chocolate.

These fellows would have looked cute with an m&m in the centre of each on top of the chocolate...if only I'd saved a handful!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Luke Special--Chocolate Layer Moon Pies

Sometimes I am asked to do a bit of catering, and nothing gives me more joy than planning out what to make for the occasion...assuming I have time.
Often I just have to go with something simple and easy because I am, believe it or not, pretty busy. Its generally when I have time that there's no where to take this delightful food, and when I am requested to bring either flops or isn't very creative because I rush and leave things to the last moment. Such is life unfortunately!
Anyway, I took a trip into my husbands work and brought a tray of goodies in for morning tea. I had the time and  made box of a variety of little cakes and pies, amongst which was a creation I called moon pies, because they reminded me of something I'd once seen called a moon pie. I don't think you can get moon pies here in Australia, but here's my version. Layers of shortbread, vanilla icing and chocolate...too yummy!


125g butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup pure icing sugar
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 cup plain flour
1/4 cup cornflour
icing sugar
vanilla essence
chocolate to coat

Using an electric beater, beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add flours, and stir until well combined. 
Roll the shortbread mixture on a lightly floured surface until thin. Use a round cookie cutter to make circles, and place each on a lined baking tray. Bake until lightly golden. Remove from oven and cool. Combine some icing powder with water until a thick icing forms. Lather the top of two biscuits with the icing, and top with a third biscuit. Repeat until all biscuits are paired. Melt dark chocolate and pour over the top of each until it dribbles down the sides.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dots Of Sunshine for Little Miss Sunshine

The other day my little sister in law turned twelve. Oh what a fun age that was, I can remember! On the cusp of teenagehood and hanging on to the last scraps of childhood. All I can remember about being a kid were days of sun and blue skies, my pets and playing in the back yard, lapping up nature. The giant lemon tree, and laying on my back in the long grass watching the clouds stream by...ah that was the life!
Now little Miss Alex reminds me of this time, and it made me want just a little bit of that back, thinking of her birthday. I hate going any place empty handed and when it came to her birthday dinner I just knew I had to think of something that reflected that nostalgia. Meringue sunshines?
Can't go past the stuff!


1 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup cornflour
1/2 cup (125ml) lemon juice
1 1/4 cups water
2 tsp finely grated lemon rind
3 egg yolks
60g butter or margarine

Combine the sugar and cornflour in a medium saucepan. Gradually add the lemon juice and water while stirring continuously until mixture is smooth. Place saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring, for 3-4 minutes or until mixture boils and thickens. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Remove from heat. Add the lemon rind, egg yolks and butter. Continue stirring until the butter has melted and mixture is well combined. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. 


1/2 cup caster sugar
2 egg whites
1/4 cup slivered almonds

In a clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Continue beating, adding a tablespoon of sugar at a time, until the sugar has dissolved and the meringue forms stiff, glossy peaks. Pipe into shells. You may wish to remove excess from the middle with a small spoon to make a well. Place almonds around the sides like sun rays.
When complete, place in the oven and cook for 20 minutes. Revolve the tray and cook for another 10 minutes or so, until the meringue feels hard to tap and begins to turn golden.Leave in oven with door ajar until cooled. Pipe lemon curd into the centre of each. Serve.

Baileys Tiramisu

Was this the end of my indulgent cooking,  I wondered? My husband informed me that he was thinking of joining the new gym that has just opened up down the road. No more sweet things during the week...oh how was I to live this way? Desserts, or a super buff husband? Tough choice, I found myself thinking. But a buff hubby does sound pretty good.
I'll just have to sneak the baking away in the cupboard to help him avoid the temptation. No one's stopping me getting chunky! Okay, not chunky, but I do have a rather large protuberance at the moment in my belly region. I have a gorgeous bun in the oven, and it insists on being iced.
Mind you, last pregnancy with my son Ben was similar, craving wise. Now he's a real sugar belly. Ah what have I done! Maybe I should stop baking? Oh my life is flashing before me!

BAILEYS TIRAMISU (adapted from

2 cups strong black coffee
1/2 cup Baileys Irish Cream
3 eggs, separated
1/3 cup caster sugar
250g mascarpone
300ml thickened cream, lightly whipped
1 large packet of sponge fingers (savoiardi)
cocoa, for dusting
Extra cream for decorating

Pour coffee and Baileys into a shallow dish and set aside.
Beat egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl with electric beaters until pale and thick. Add the mascarpone and whipped cream, mixing gently until just combined.

Beat egg whites in a medium bowl with electric beaters until soft peaks form. Using a large metal spoon, gently fold egg whites into the mascarpone mixture.
Dip enough biscuits into the coffee mixture to cover the base of a 19cm square ceramic dish. Cover the biscuits with one-third of the mascarpone mixture. Repeat layers 2 times, ending with the cream mixture. If you desire, whip a little extra cream and pipe onto the top. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Dust generously with cocoa and serve.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Custard Yo Yo Biscuits

They say one of the signs of insanity is talking to yourself. I wonder if that includes writing to ones self? Anyway, a big welcome to all our new subscribers! Blogging can feel lonely. But I don't feel so crazy now! I hope you enjoy the visual feast that is before you.
A lot of people ask me why I cook and put the effort I do into things that will soon be devoured and forgotten. It's like any passion I suppose. You do it because you love it, and I know it makes others happy and I love sharing something with them. Its a wonderful thing to be able to share something good with someone and enjoy a piece of time and a piece of cake together. There's a sense of achievement and satisfaction in creating something visually beautiful and delicious for the tastebuds. Who needs reasons for doing something they love anyway?
The funny thing is, I used to have such a hatred for food. Some people live to eat...I only ate to live, and only because it was absolutely necessary. In fact, the first 18 years of my life consisted of hiding food and burying school lunches, and the next three I virtually survived uni living off ten cups of coffee a day, a perhaps a little sushi. Okay, I exaggerate, but when you find the joy in food life changes somewhat. I began to see it as art...textures, designs, colours, fillings, contrast. It caught my decorative eye and finally my senses. Bon appetit!


1 cup self raising flour
3 tbsp. icing sugar
1/4 cup custard powder
4oz butter

Sift flour, icing sugar and custard powder together in a medium bowl. Add butter and work into a stiff dough. Roll into walnut sized balls and place on a lined baking tray.
Press each down with a fork. Bake at 180C for 15-20 minutes until a light fawn colour. Cool and join pairs with jam or icing.

Makes 12

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jaffa Souffles with Chocolate Sauce

Speaking of demented, it's a real faze I'm going through. A new trend. Demented though some of my end results are, the good thing is that they still contain all the essential deliciousness required to make them irresistible. Okay, stop being so superficial, looks aren't everything.
Yes, now is the moment to look inside and see the scrumptious personality of this next recipe. Mind you, its not a problem with the recipe, I'm sure. It wasn't intended to be ugly and shrunken away, but lets say its the very first time I've ever attempted souffles. Hats off to those cooks who had high, puffy looking souffles!
Mine just weren't. Of course I was terribly disappointed in myself and then...I tasted them. One spoon was enough to bump my mood again and I just had to share.Ooh la la, prepare for a taste-bud pamper session! These are so yummy!

JAFFA SOUFFLES (adapted from

60g butter
1/4 cup plain flour
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
175g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), finely chopped
5 egg yolks
2/3 cup caster sugar
Orange essence to taste
6 egg whites


1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup pouring cream
40g butter
180g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), finely chopped

Preheat oven to 200°C. Butter 8 x 150ml souffle dishes.
Melt butter in a heavy-based saucepan over low to medium heat, stir in flour and cook for a few seconds. Remove from heat. Gradually whisk milk and vanilla into flour mixture until smooth. Add chocolate and whisk until melted. Don't worry if the mixture separates a little.
Using an electric mixer, whisk yolks and half the sugar until thick and pale. Add chocolate mixture and essence. Stir well.
Using an electric mixer, whisk whites and a pinch of salt to soft peaks. Gradually add remaining sugar and whisk to stiff peaks. Carefully fold whites into chocolate mixture in 2 batches until just combined. Spoon into dishes (mixture will fill dishes) (see note)and bake for 16 to18 minutes or until puddings are well risen.
For sauce, combine 60ml (1/4 cup) water, sugar, cream and butter in a small pan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Stir in chocolate until melted.
Serve puddings immediately with chocolate sauce in the centre.

Deliciously Demented and Worth Every Burn

I get a little thrill run through me when I am about to start on a recipe for something I have never made before. It half excitement, half fear of the unknown. Will it turn out as expected? Will it be a shameful failure? Will it be a keeper?
Well...I have had another thrill for a long time too. Its an addiction to Churros...and for those who have never heard of churros, they are Spanish donuts. Long piped donuts, not the ones with holes in the centre. Flinders Street Station in Melbourne sells some of the best churros I have ever had, so if you're in that area, do take the time to buy one. You'll be hooked. Oh yeah! I'd almost move back to Melbourne just to be near them...but my husband...well, he's just a little better than churros and I choose him, convinced he has more going for him.
We always make a beeline for Flinders when we do visit that beautiful city though, to indulge in the deliciousness it always promises. What can I say...I'm a sucker for those babies!
Anyway, I stumbled across a recipe while pining for a nibble of their yumminess and thought I'd try my hand at home made ones.
Lets just say by the end of it my hands were blistered with oil splotches and will probably scar, but it was worth it. Mind you--they didn't turn out anything as I planned. Rather unconventional looking things, and I wouldn't call them churros. Demented donuts? Delicious demented cinnamon sugar donuts...too good not to try!

DEMENTED DONUTS (Cinnamon Sugar Churros)

1/2 cup caster sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup milk
90g unsalted butter
1 1/3 cup plain flour
2 eggs
3 cups vegetable oil

Put sugar and cinnamon in a baking tray and combine. Put milk and butter in a medium pan and cook, stirring over a low heat until the butter has melted (do not boil). Add flour and stir until mixture forms a ball. Transfer to a large bowl. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition until completely combined. Put mixture into a large piping bag fitted with a star nozzle. Heat the oil over a high heat. Pipe 6-8cm lengths of mixture into the oil and cook for 2-3 minutes or until churros float to the top and are golden. Immediately transfer with a slotted spoon to the sugar and roll until well covered. Serve with melted chocolate.

NOTES: I used a star nozzle that was too large, be sure to choose a thin one as these churros expand on cooking.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Secret to Amazing Roast Potatoes

I know its silly, but something makes me rejoice inside when I know an incredible aroma is wafting from my kitchen into the neighbours house. Let's just say we haven't had the best of luck with those particular people, and, as much as I refuse to stoop to their level, I let myself feel a mean satisfaction when this culinary delight occurs. I know they don't often cook, and I refuse to believe that such fragrances floating by anyone's nose does not touch some sense of longing. Long away, long away, neighbourinos. The roast is going on our table and we will devour every delicious piece of it!
Alright, I admit its my husband and not me that's the master of roasts. I'm the queen of sweet delights and he is the king of savouries. But when it was his birthday, I promised I would make him roast duck, and I wanted it to be perfect. It was delicious! (okay, he cooked it). But I had a little victory while preparing that roast dinner. Roast vegies! I have never ever been able to get crispy, golden looking roast vegies and it has long bothered me. The potatoes always look pasty and simply boiled, the others limp and unattractive.
I discovered a very simple and magnificent little secret. Well, I think it has to be a secret because I have never dined anywhere on any cooks roast vegies that were so crisp and delightfully golden. I love giving away secrets. Whats my excuse today? Well...lets just say its in celebration of my husband and my anniversary coming up. Why not. Read away! (unless you are those particular people next secrets coming your way).

BEST ROAST POTATOES (Super Food Ideas June 2004)

1 kg Coliban or Sebago potatoes
3-4 tbsp. oil

Preheat oven to 200°C. Peel potatoes and cut into chunks. Place into a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium. Simmer for 15 minutes or until partially cooked (potatoes should be only just tender when pierced with a skewer).
Drain potatoes well. Return to saucepan over low heat until any remaining water evaporates. Shake saucepan vigorously to rough up surface of potatoes (this will make them crunchy when roasted). Alternatively, scrape surfaces of potatoes with a fork to create a rough texture.
Pour oil into a large roasting pan. Place roasting pan into oven for 5 minutes or until oil is hot. Working quickly, add potatoes to hot oil. Use tongs to turn potatoes to coat in oil, then return roasting pan to oven.
Roast potatoes for 40 minutes. Turn and roast for a further 30 minutes or until golden and crisp. Season with salt. Serve immediately.

NOTES: We used the oil left in the bottom of a jar of sundried tomatoes, which was full of herbs and spices. This added a great flavour to the potatoes! We also used the same "roughing" technique on sweet potatoes and they turned out beautifully golden and crisp too.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Most Amazing Wedding Cake

I have been so blessed with the wonderful big family that I have. And all my in laws are wonderful too--how many people can honestly say that! I mention this because I want to share something really special with everyone. In a few days its my husband and my cotton anniversary--two years of bliss! For our wedding, my sister-in-law Renee made the cake as a special gift to us both.
It was my fantasy cake...layers of soft sponge cake decked out with fresh pink roses and served with berry coulis! The roses matched the bridesmaids dresses and one was placed besides each piece of cake when it was served. It was all so pretty! Luke and I were too busy smiling for photos and we missed out on actually tasting its sublimeness. Our jaws would have been too sore from all that grinning to be up to any chewing motion anyway, I'm thinking. Ouch. Got to love a million trillion photos and being too happy to wipe that smile off!
Yes, it was the most beautiful cake. Of course (like any artist) Renee was not 100% pleased with the outcome. Don't ask me why. Artists will be artists.

Its almost Shabby Chic...just the way I like it!!!

Our Wedding day July 2009

Monday, July 4, 2011

Brownies, There are Never Enough Brownies...

Brownies. I love them. I'm stuck on the one beautiful recipe because they do the trick every time for me. Moist,  dark, delicious, rich decadence...who could ask for more? But sometimes I get the idea they're sick and tired of being cut into squares and iced in the same way every time. Everyone needs a bit of variety and Brownies are no exception. Dress them up once in a while...they deserve to look as scrumptious as they taste.


1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup plain flour
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat your oven to 190C.
Melt butter and remove from heat. Stir through the cocoa and brown sugar until combined.
Beat in the eggs and vanilla. Next, blend in the flour and salt. Spoon the mixture into 16 silicone mini muffin holes. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Remove when cooled, and ice.


1/2 cup butter
2 cups icing sugar
1/8 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup chocolate chips
crushed nuts to decorate

Heat the cream over a double boiler until the edges begin to bubble. Add the chocolate chips and whisk together until well combined. Set aside to cool.
In another bowl, beat the butter until smooth and fluffy. Add icing sugar and continue to mix. Finally, add the chocolate mixture into the buttercream and mix until smooth. You may wish to add some more icing sugar to thicken the icing. Pipe onto brownies with a large star nozzle and sprinkle with nuts.

Another idea to jazz up the Brownie babies.